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Dental Implants

May 4, 2024


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What is the process of dental implants performed by all celebrities and makes their smile looks so attractive and beautiful? and when should someone consider the process of dental implants and the reasons to do it? is the process of dental implants painful? What are their advantages? And the duration of dental implants? What are the requirements for dental implants and what are the risks of post-implantation, many of the questions we will be answered in this article.

you know these embarrassing situations when you are talking to an old man and suddenly his teeth start falling out, never again could this happen if he had gone for dental implants!

Definition of dental implants

Dental implantation is the process of implanting metal structures where damaged teeth were removed. These metal structures are fixed in the jaw to build a new base on which the new teeth is built after the crown or construction of the alternative teeth is installed.

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Cases and causes of dental implants

For dental implants cosmetic surgery consists of repairing some jaw defects, improving the way of speech, and beautifying the shape of the teeth, and the treatment is to remove damaged teeth and installing new functional dentures.

  1. When one or more teeth are lost.
  2. Lack of desire to install fixed dentures.
  3. The desire to improve the way you talk to people.
  4. The desire to beautify the shape of teeth.

Dental implants

The old fixed and mobile structures caused embarrassing situations to the patient, but the advancement of medical technology eventually led to the creation of new opportunities for dental implants and reduce the risks of these old structures and the most important features are:

  1. The jaw and bone are kept in shape.
  2. The remaining natural teeth will be preserved and fixated properly.
  3. The process will help you use the dentures easier.
  4. Practice your natural life without feeling embarrassed about your teeth.

Types of dental implants

There are many types of dental implants depending on the health of the bones, in addition to the number of teeth to be replaced, the patient's personal desire and types of dental implants are:

A.Bone grafting for dental implants:

This process requires the quality of the jaw bones so that the surgeon can install the islands of titanium, and has two types:

  1. Patching using real bones.
  2. Patching by stimulating hormone for growth.

B.Traditional dental implants:

The doctor removes all damaged teeth and that step requires 3 months to heal the jaw bones before performing the next step.
Cultivation of titanium roots in the jaw bone, where it is the basis of support for artificial teeth.

Pre-implantation preparations

  1. The patient will be required to prepare a panoramic image of the teeth or CT scan.
  2. For people with artificial valves, they must inform the surgeon to receive antibiotics before undergoing dental implants.
  3. People suffering from blood clotting disorders will be asked to check blood clotting functions because they are more likely than others to have bleeding.
  4. Some cases where the tissues of the jaw bone do not accept the implantation process, so will ask the doctor to work before the pre-operation to create an area to enable the surgeon to perform the implantation.

Steps and stages of the process of dental implants

  • The operation is conducted in the presence of a dentist specializing in dental implants and in the presence of oral and jaw surgeons.
  • The patient teeth are dipped in local anesthetic gel, such as anesthesia of the mouth during the dislocation of the tooth.
  • The doctor specialized in fixing the metal screws in the jawbone.
  • The next stage is the waiting phase and lasts from 6 weeks to 6 months to ensure tissue healing.
  • During the waiting, phase begins the stage of taking measurements and construction of the crown and bridge.
  • The final stage comes after the end of the waiting phase where the process of dental implants is terminated and tested.

Risks and disadvantages of dental implants

  1. Risks and surgical complications of dental implants:
  • Surgical incision infection can be treated topically.
  • bleeding of one of the blood vessels
  • Damage may affect the tooth nerve.
  • extra Sensitivity of heat or cold in the mouth cavity, and disappear after installation of the implants.
    2. The risk of anesthesia for dental implants:
  • These risks are linked to hypersensitivity to anesthesia drugs used during the process so you should alert your doctor about any allergies.

What After Dental Implants?

  1. The patient must wait two hours after the surgery without eating any food or drink.
  2. The patient may feel pain in the area of operation and may feel the metal implants for several days, the doctor may write some painkillers if necessary.
  3. For better results after the operation, keep your teeth clean with a soft brush.
    You should consult your doctor if any of the following symptoms occur:
    - Feeling high in temperature.
    - Feeling severe pain in the mouth.
    - Excessive bleeding or discharge from the mouth.

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